Dublin Stories
In this section you can select from several stories:
- the Virginia Military district and the land that became Dublin; the history, who owned the land, how large were the plots
- Citizens Defense: a look at how homeland security was done in Dublin and Franklin County in World War II
- "Them Was the Days: The Story of Ashbaugh Road", an oral history of life in rural Dublin
- Firefighters: the story of Dublin's firefighting company
Dublin’s near-selection as the site of Ohio's capital city, lost in a poker game!
Ashbaugh Road
You will enjoy the record of the stories of Carolene Tuller who grew up on Ashbaugh Road, where most of ...

Fire always has been a terrifying event, one that has strikes fear in the hearts of men, women and children ...
Dublin Aced
Did you know Dublin was almost the capital of Ohio? Well, there is a Columbus Dispatch article from 1982 that ...
Citizen Defense
These documents give you some insight into what we might describe as 1943 homeland security in Franklin County. During WWII ...

Virginia Military District
The land on which Dublin was settled is part of the territory once claimed by the Colony of Virginia. Read ...
Recipe for Life
We found this in a cookbook and, though it is dated 1943, it probably is one of those writings that ...
Old Dublin Town
Imagine Dublin in 1920, a village with only several hundred residents. Everyone knew everyone else, and apparently everyone knew what ...
Medicine Shows
Medicine shows would go from town to town selling their “cure-all” medicine. It was supposed to be an old Indian ...
Burglar Bold
Lester Leppert retold this lyric in “Memories”, an oral history published by the Dublin Historical Society”. It is from a ...