Our Purpose
We formed in October 1974 with the mission to archive and display documents and materials relevant to the history of Dublin and the surrounding area. We also work to restore and preserve historic sites, and encourage the study and appreciation of Dublin history.
Even today, a visitor can walk to the Dublin Spring alongside the Scioto River where Benjamin and Peter Sells would have drawn drinking water for their campsite. Up on the high ground just above would be the place they would bring their father, brothers and the rest of the family for a settlement. You can visit the spring even today by retracing those steps in Dublin’s history…more about Historic Dublin

We encourage everyone to walk through the Historic Dublin District to gain an appreciation for what life might have been like in a simpler time when only 100 or so families called Dublin “home”. Shops and homes were side-by-side, wide streets accommodated horses and wagons, nearby quarries along the river supplied stone for buildings and fences and gravel for roads.
Sign up for one of our walking tours
around Historic Dublin!
“Everyone knew one another and everyone knew everyone else’s dog.”
The Fletcher Coffman Homestead, adjacent to Coffman Park, serves as our main museum where most of these recovered artifacts are housed. Starting in May throughout the summer we offer museum tours, and in December we hold our annual Coffman Farmstead Christmas Open House during the city’s Christmas Tree Lighting and Events at Coffman Park…more about The Coffman Homestead